burns Archives - familydoctor.org https://familydoctor.org/tag/burns/ Health information for the whole family from the American Academy of Family Physicians. Fri, 21 Jul 2023 18:44:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.1 What do I need in my first aid kit? https://familydoctor.org/what-do-i-need-in-my-first-aid-kit/ Thu, 08 Jun 2023 04:28:44 +0000 https://familydoctor.org/?p=34888 A well-prepared first aid kit is an important tool in treating minor injuries that commonly occur at home and when you’re on the go.

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Fireworks Safety https://familydoctor.org/fireworks-safety/ Mon, 05 Oct 2020 19:09:47 +0000 https://familydoctor.org/?p=44118 Many people love to shoot off fireworks. But it’s a risky activity. That’s why it’s important to do everything you can to deal with fireworks safely.

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Fireworks are one of many Americans’ favorite parts of summer. While it’s safer to leave the show to the pros and attend a public display, many people also love to shoot off their own. But shooting them off is a risky activity. Fireworks can cause serious burns and injuries, even death. It’s extremely important that you do everything you can to deal with fireworks safely.

Path to improved safety

Many people like to buy and set off their own fireworks. These are called “consumer” fireworks. There are many types of these. Some are more dangerous than others, but all have the ability to cause harm.

Follow local laws

The first step you can take to keep yourself safe is to obey all local fireworks laws. States determine what is legal for you to use. In 4 states, consumer fireworks are completely illegal. It can even vary by county or municipality. So start off by knowing your local regulations.

Do your research

Next, know your fireworks. Only buy fireworks from a licensed fireworks dealer. When buying fireworks, read the instructions carefully so you know what each firework will do. Some, like fountains, sit on the ground and shoot sparks into the air. Others are held in the hand and shoot flaming balls into the air. These are less predictable and are more likely to malfunction.

Once it’s time to set off the fireworks, follow these steps to keep you and your loved ones safe.

Safety tips

  • Never give fireworks to children. This includes sparklers. Sparklers burn at a temperature around 1,200 degrees. That’s hot enough to melt metal. They can easily burn and injure a child.
  • Always have a responsible adult supervising activities involving fireworks.
  • Light fireworks in a clear outdoor area, away from trees, buildings, or vehicles.
  • Wear safety glasses or protective eyewear when shooting off fireworks.
  • Don’t carry fireworks in your pocket. The friction could set them off.
  • Don’t light fireworks in containers, especially metal or glass ones.
  • Stand far away from other people when lighting fireworks. They can backfire or go in the wrong direction.
  • Don’t lean over a firework while lighting it. Reach out away from your body to light it.
  • Light one firework at a time. Move back quickly to a safe distance right away.
  • Never point or throw fireworks at other people.
  • Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose nearby in case there is a fire or other mishap.
  • Never relight a “dud” firework that doesn’t go off. Douse it in water and throw it in the trash.
  • After fireworks are done burning, douse them in water. Dispose of them in a metal trashcan to prevent a trash fire.

Things to consider

Remember your pets. They’re often afraid of the noises fireworks make. Take steps to keep them safe when lighting fireworks.

  • Don’t take your pets to a fireworks display. This includes small displays or neighborhood gatherings.
  • Put your pet in an interior room away from windows. This will dampen the sound of the fireworks.
  • Make sure your pet is wearing a collar and identification tags. If it gets scared and runs off during a fireworks display, it will be easier to find with identification tags.
  • Never shoot any kind of firework, including sparklers, near pets.

Questions to ask your doctor

  • At what age can my child participate in lighting fireworks?
  • What fireworks are the safest to set off?
  • What is the safest way to shoot off fireworks?
  • What should I do if I get burned by a firework?
  • How do I know if the burn is bad enough that I should go to the hospital?
  • How can I protect myself when lighting fireworks?


National Institutes of Health, MedlinePlus: Fire Safety at Home

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Burns: Preventing Burns in Your Home https://familydoctor.org/burns-preventing-burns-in-your-home/ Thu, 11 Jun 2020 05:00:00 +0000 http://familydoctor.wpengine.com/burns-preventing-burns-in-your-home/ Fires and other accidents at home can result in burns to you or a family member. Be prepared now and know what to do if someone in your home gets burned.

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Fires and other accidents in your home can result in burns to you or a family member. These situations often happen unexpectedly. However, take time now to be prepared and know what to do if someone in your home gets burned.

Path to improved health

Not all burns happen because of fires. Household chemicals, scalding water, and household appliances can also cause burns. Here are some things you can do to keep you and your family safe.

General fire safety

  • Install smoke alarms in your home. Check them monthly to make sure they sound an alarm. If they run on batteries, change the batteries every 6 months.
  • Learn how and when to use a fire extinguisher. Keep one in your kitchen, one near the washer and dryer, and one near your furnace.
  • Think about how you would get out of your home if there was a fire. Make a family escape plan. Have regular fire drills at home. Pick a location outside where all family members would meet in case of fire.
  • Have a professional electrician check the wiring in your home at least once every 10 years.
  • Have a professional inspect and clean your chimney and fireplace once a year.

How to prevent different types of fires or burns around your home

  • If you have a car seat in your car, always touch it before putting your child in it. That’s because hot seat-belt straps and buckles can cause second-degree burns on small children. Cover the car seat with a towel if you park in the sun.
  • Put covers on all electrical outlets a child can reach. This will help prevent electrical burns.
  • Throw away electrical cords that are frayed or damaged. This also will help prevent electrical burns.
  • Prevent chemical burns by wearing gloves and other protective clothing when you handle chemicals. Store chemicals, including gasoline, out of the reach of children.
  • Use space heaters carefully. Keep them at least 3 feet away from curtains, rugs, bedding, clothing, and paper. Teach children to stay away from them.
  • Store matches and lighters in a locked cabinet, away from children.
  • Never leave candles unattended. Blow them out when you leave the room. Consider using flameless candles, instead.
  • If you smoke, don’t smoke in bed. Get rid of used cigarettes carefully. Fires caused by smoking materials are the leading cause of deaths in house fires.
  • Don’t let small children play near the stove or help you cook at the stove.
  • Don’t wear clothing with long, loose sleeves when you’re cooking.
  • Cooking fires are the leading cause of house fires. Put out a small fire on the stove by sliding a lid over the flames.
  • Don’t use a microwave oven to warm baby bottles. The liquid heats unevenly and can scald your baby’s mouth.
  • Unplug hot irons (clothing and curling irons). Keep them out of reach of children.

Preventing hot water burns in your home

  • Set the temperature on your water heater to no more than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, or use the “low-medium” setting. Water that is hotter than this can cause burns in 2 to 3 seconds.
  • Test the water temperature before you or your children get into the tub or shower. Don’t let young children touch the faucet handles during a bath.
  • When cooking, turn the handles of pots and pans toward the side of the stove, or use the back burners.
  • Use cool-water humidifiers or vaporizers. If you use hot-steam vaporizers, keep them out of the reach of children.

Things to consider

If there is a fire in your home, your family should:

  • Follow your family escape plan. Get to your meeting place as fast as you can.
  • Stay low to the ground. Crawl if you have to. Smoke and heat rise. It will be easier to breathe closer to the floor. (More people die from the poisonous gasses caused by house fires than from burns.)
  • Check closed doors by touching them with the back of your hand. If the door is hot, don’t open it. It means the fire is nearby. If it’s cool, open it slowly and make sure you don’t see fire before exiting the room.
  • Close doors to separate yourself from the fire and smoke.
  • If you or your clothes catch on fire, “stop, drop and roll” your body on the ground.

Questions for your doctor

  • What medicine should I keep at home to treat mild burns?
  • What does a severe burn look like?
  • Are there natural remedies to treat a mild burn?
  • Can over-the-counter pain relievers help with the pain of a mild burn?
  • What is the treatment for smoke inhalation?


American Red Cross: Home Fire Safety

National Institutes of Health, MedlinePlus: Fire Safety at Home

National Safety Council: Keep Your Family Safe From Fire

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How to Treat Common Household Injuries https://familydoctor.org/treat-common-household-injuries/ Wed, 01 Nov 2023 15:51:33 +0000 https://familydoctor.org/?p=61582 Cuts, scrapes, and even burns are common household injuries. Most of the time, these injuries are minor and can be easily treated at home.

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