Heart Failure Archives - familydoctor.org https://familydoctor.org/tag/heart-failure/ Health information for the whole family from the American Academy of Family Physicians. Thu, 08 Jun 2023 13:34:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.1 Keeping Your Heart Healthy https://familydoctor.org/keeping-heart-healthy/ Thu, 08 Jun 2023 17:22:48 +0000 https://familydoctor.org/?p=28224 Learn how you can prevent and manage heart disease as well as treat conditions that lead to heart attack.

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A healthy heart is central to overall good health. Embracing a healthy lifestyle at any age can prevent heart disease and lower your risk for a heart attack or stroke. You are never too old or too young to begin taking care of your heart. True, the younger you begin making healthy choices, the longer you can reap the benefits. But swapping good habits for bad to promote good health can make a difference, even if you’ve already suffered a heart attack.

Choosing healthier foods and exercising are two of the best ways to contribute to good heart health. There are additional things you can do to lower your risk for heart disease. Things that put you at higher risk for heart disease include

  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity/being overweight
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Inactivity (no exercise)
  • Family history of heart disease (especially a parent or sibling)

The good news is that it is possible to decrease your risk by making changes in the way you live your life. Even if you have a family history of heart disease, the power of prevention is on your side.

Path to improved health

You are in direct control over many things that can influence your heart health. It’s up to you to choose how seriously you take this responsibility. Some people find it easy to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Others will do so only after being diagnosed with a symptom of heart disease, like high blood pressure, or high cholesterol.

Whatever your inspiration, the benefits of a healthy heart are worth the effort. In fact, your entire body will be better for it. Good overall health can also protect you from type 2 diabetes, asthma, joint pain, and other chronic diseases and conditions. It can even reduce your risk for cancer. Additionally, a healthy lifestyle that includes eating healthy foods and getting regular exercise has been proven to boost your mood. You’ll have more energy and an a healthy way of managing your stress.

If you aren’t sure where to begin, try adding just one healthy aspect to your life for now. As you feel that you are gaining control, try adding another, then another. Pretty soon, you’ll feel empowered instead of overwhelmed.

Make healthy food choices

Balance is the key to eating healthy long-term. Your diet should consist mainly of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and lean proteins. If you eat this way most of the time, you’ll be able to indulge occasionally

Allowing yourself to eat something you crave from time to time is important. So do not feel guilty about treating yourself as a reward for eating healthy. Just make sure that you aren’t treating yourself too often.

As you choose your vegetables, keep color in mind. A colorful plate with plenty of red, orange, yellow, and dark-green vegetables provides the vitamins and minerals you need.

Cut down on or even eliminate heavily processed foods. Heavily processed foods are the boxed and packaged foods, especially those that are ready to eat (think crackers, potato chips, and mac and cheese, even drive-through foods). Also, look for foods low in sodium (salt). Remember, canned foods contain a lot of sodium.

Drink water instead of soda and energy drinks. There is an incredible amount of sugar in soda and energy drinks. Drinking water in place of these can significantly impact your health for the better. Aim for drinking at least 8, 8-ounce glasses of water each day.

Watch your weight

Being obese or overweight is not healthy. The more weight you gain, the higher your body mass index (BMI). Your BMI is a measure of your body fat based on your height and weight. The higher your BMI, the higher your risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar levels. Being obese also puts you at risk for breathing problems, gallbladder disease, liver disease, and even cancer.

Making healthy food choices in combination with an exercise program is the best way to lose weight. Even a small amount of weight loss can make a big difference in your health. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), losing just 5% to 10% of your body weight can reduce your risk for having a heart attack or stroke.

Be active

You don’t have to be a member of a gym or buy fancy equipment to exercise. The key is just to get up and move. Go for a walk. Take the stairs at work. Do some push-ups or sit-ups. Dance. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity for adults each week plus 2 days of strength training each week. Children should get at least an hour of activity every day. They should also get more intensive exercise at least 3 days a week that increases their heart rate.

Aerobic exercise has a direct effect on your heart. Your heart is a muscle and exercise strengthens it. A strong heart can more efficiently pump blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to other parts of your body. Exercise can lower your risk for developing plaque in your arteries. Plaque is a waxy substance that can clog arteries and reduce blood flow to your heart. If plaque builds up too much, it can even block the artery. This is what causes a heart attack.

Know your numbers

Every adult should know their blood pressure and cholesterol level. Beginning at age 18, you should have your blood pressure checked at least every 3 to 5 years. There are often no symptoms associated with high blood pressure. The best way to know for sure is to check.

Young adults who are age 20 and older and who smoke or have a family history of heart disease should have regular cholesterol screenings. Otherwise, women should begin having regular cholesterol checks when they are 45. Men should begin them at age 35. If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure or high cholesterol, you should also be screened for diabetes.

Stop smoking

No new news here. Smoking is bad for you. It causes cancer. It damages your lungs. It’s also terrible for your heart. Smoking increases your risk for heart disease. It damages the lining of your arteries. There are numerous studies that provide evidence that smoking cigarettes is a major cause of coronary heart disease, which leads to heart attacks

If you currently smoke, it’s a great time to stop. There are medicines that can help as well as other “quit smoking” tools such as nicotine gum and patches. Vaping is not a tool to help you quit, so don’t trade smoking for vaping. Ask your doctor to recommend a resource. Try to steer clear of secondhand smoke as well.

Don’t take gums for granted

Many people don’t know that there is a link between oral health and heart disease. In fact, periodontal disease (gum disease) has been associated with other health issues, including premature birth, arthritis, and diabetes

It is not clear whether heart disease causes gum disease or vice versa. Some medical professionals believe the bacteria that cause gum disease spread from the mouth through the body. As they spread, they make inflammation worse. This increased inflammation can trigger or worsen inflammatory conditions like heart disease. Preventing gum disease can help with your overall health. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups are the best way to keep oral health in check.

If you already have gum disease, you should schedule regular cleanings with a periodontist (a dentist who specializes in gum disease and oral inflammation). There is strong evidence that controlling gum disease can help reduce your risk for heart disease

Stop stressing

Managing your stress can reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. Stress is often associated with high blood pressure. Chronic stress exposes your body to elevated levels of stress hormones, which also is not healthy

Everyone deals with stress differently. The way you react to it can directly impact your health. There are breathing exercises that can help you process stress. Meditation has also proven to be an effective way to manage stress. Exercise is also a great way to deal with it. Poor ways to react to stress are to smoke, to drink alcohol, or to let it interfere with sleep

Things to consider

Heart disease is consistently a leading cause of death in the United States. Heart disease often leads to heart attack or stroke

Heart attack

A heart attack (also called a myocardial infarction) occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked. This blockage is caused by a buildup of plaque (fat and cholesterol). During a heart attack, part of the heart muscle is damaged, sometimes destroyed.

Heart attacks can be deadly. If you are having a heart attack, the quicker you get medical care, the more likely you are to survive. Treatment for a heart attack varies. Depending on the severity of the attack, your doctor may need to perform surgery. During surgery, they will attempt to clear or repair the blocked artery. Your doctor may also prescribe medicines to thin your blood and lower blood pressure


A stroke occurs when blood supply to the brain is blocked. This can happen when a vein is blocked or when it bursts. The blockage interrupts the delivery of oxygen to the brain, which causes brain cells to die

Strokes can be deadly. If you are having a stroke, the quicker you get medical care, the more likely you are to survive. Also, quick medical care can help prevent side effects of having a stroke. Side effects include temporary or permanent paralysis and speech problems. Treatment for stroke depends on the type of stroke. In some instances, surgery is required. Other times, a stroke responds to medications

When to see a doctor

Depending on your age, you should be receiving regular screenings from your doctor for blood pressure and cholesterol level. These are two indicators of heart disease. If you have been diagnosed with heart disease, your doctor will prescribe a treatment plan that includes a healthy lifestyle. It also will likely include prescription medications to help control cholesterol or high blood pressure.

If you believe you are having a heart attack or stroke, you should call 911 immediately. Heart attack symptoms vary in men and women. Talk to your doctor about the signs of heart attack most often present in men and those most often present in women. Regardless, common heart attack signs include

  • Chest discomfort­– This can be pressure, tightness, squeezing, or pain in the center of your chest. It usually lasts for more than a few minutes. Sometimes it goes away and comes back.
  • Pain in one or both arms– Sometimes this pain isn’t limited to your arms. You may feel pain in your jaw, neck, back, or stomach. This will come on suddenly and may feel like indigestion.
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cold sweat
  • Dizziness

Stroke symptoms are often more easily recognizable than those for a heart attack. According to the AHA, here is how to spot a stroke F.A.S.T.:

  • Face drooping– Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. Is the person’s smile uneven?
  • Arm weakness– Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
  • Speech difficulty– Is speech slurred? Is the person unable to speak or hard to understand? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence, like “The sky is blue.” Is the sentence repeated correctly?
  • Time to call 911– If someone shows any of these symptoms, even if the symptoms go away, call 911 and get the person to the hospital immediately. Check the time so you’ll know when the first symptoms appeared.

Questions to ask your doctor

  • Can I inherit heart disease?
  • At what age do I need to begin taking my heart health seriously?
  • What is the best indicator of heart disease?
  • What are the symptoms in men? What are the symptoms in women?
  • Can I really prevent heart disease?
  • What is the best way assess my heart health?
  • How can I stop smoking?
  • What is the safest exercise for me to do?


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Prevent Heart Disease

National Institutes of Health: What is a Heart Attack?

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Keep Your Heart Healthy

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Beta-Blockers for Heart Problems https://familydoctor.org/https-familydoctor-org-beta-blockers-for-heart-problems/ Mon, 09 May 2022 04:00:00 +0000 http://familydoctor.wpengine.com/beta-blockers-for-heart-problems/ Take your beta blockers to stay heart healthy.

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Tips for Recovering and Staying Well After a Heart Attack https://familydoctor.org/tips-for-recovering-and-staying-well/ Fri, 22 Apr 2022 04:00:00 +0000 http://familydoctor.wpengine.com/tips-for-recovering-and-staying-well/ It’s possible to recover from a heart attack and live a quality life.

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Digoxin: A Medicine for Heart Problems https://familydoctor.org/digoxin-a-medicine-for-heart-problems/ Fri, 12 Jun 2020 04:00:00 +0000 http://familydoctor.wpengine.com/digoxin-a-medicine-for-heart-problems/ Digoxin is a medicine used to treat certain heart problems such as heart failure.

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Digoxin is a medicine used to treat certain heart problems such as heart failure. Heart failure results when the heart can’t pump blood well enough to supply the body’s needs. If you have heart failure, digoxin can improve your heart’s ability to pump blood. This will often improve symptoms such as shortness of breath.

Digoxin can also help people who have a rapid or irregular heartbeat. This can be caused by a heart problem called atrial fibrillation. Digoxin helps by slowing down and controlling the heart rate.

Digoxin comes in tablet, capsule, and liquid form. It works with minerals in the cells of the heart to reduce strain and keep the heart beating normally.

Path to improved health

How should I take my digoxin?

It’s very important to take your digoxin exactly as your doctor tells you. Digoxin is usually taken once a day. You should try to take it at the same time every day. If you miss a dose, you can take it if less than 12 hours have passed since your normal dosage time. If more than 12 hours have passed, skip that dose altogether. You don’t want to double up on digoxin doses.

It may take several weeks to several months for digoxin to start working. Don’t be surprised if you don’t feel better right away. Keep taking your digoxin, even after you are feeling better. Don’t suddenly stop taking your digoxin. This could make your heart problems worse. Call your doctor if you have any problems taking the medicine.

Do any foods or other medicines affect how digoxin works?

Some medicines and foods can decrease the amount of digoxin your body absorbs. These include:

  • Antacids that contain aluminum or magnesium.
  • Some cholesterol-lowering medicines (cholestyramine and colestipol).
  • Certain medicines that treat gastrointestinal issues, such metoclopramide or sulfasalazine.
  • Some antidiarrheal medicines that contain kaolin and pectin.
  • Bulk laxatives (such as psyllium, Metamucil, or Citrucel).
  • High-fiber foods (such as bran muffins) or nutritional supplements (such as Ensure).

Don’t take these medicines or eat high-fiber foods too close to the time you take your digoxin. It could mean that you’ll have too little digoxin in your bloodstream to help your heart. It is better to take digoxin on an empty stomach. Check with your doctor before taking any of the medicines listed above. If your doctor says it’s okay to take these medicines, wait 2 hours between a dose of digoxin and a dose of these medicines.

Digoxin interacts with many other medicines, too. You should always tell your doctor and your pharmacist about all the medicines you are taking. This includes any over-the-counter medicines, natural remedies, and herbal medicines. Always talk to your doctor before you take any new medicines.

How will my doctor know if I am getting the right amount of digoxin?

The digoxin dose needed to treat heart conditions is different for different people. Your doctor may do a blood test to make sure you have the right amount of digoxin in your body. This blood test has to be done at least 6 hours after your last dose of digoxin. Tell your doctor when you normally take your digoxin. Your doctor may want you to wait to take your dose. Or he or she may want to schedule your appointment so that you will have your blood drawn at the right time.

Things to consider

Most people can take digoxin without experiencing many side effects. However, you could have side effects, especially if you get too much digoxin. These side effects include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • stomach pain
  • loss of appetite
  • tiredness or weakness
  • slow heartbeat
  • palpitations
  • irregular heartbeat
  • drowsiness
  • confusion
  • fainting
  • vision changes (blurred or yellow)

It is important to pay attention to these side effects. Too much digoxin is dangerous. You should call your doctor right away if you experience any of these symptoms.

There are also symptoms when you are not getting enough digoxin. You should discuss your condition and symptoms with you doctor. If you have heart failure, the following symptoms may mean that you are not getting enough digoxin:

  • More shortness of breath than usual.
  • A decrease in your ability to climb stairs or walk.
  • Waking up short of breath at night.
  • Shortness of breath when you lie flat or sleep on more pillows than usual.
  • More frequent trips to the bathroom during the night.
  • Increased ankle swelling or feeling that your shoes are suddenly too tight.

If you have atrial fibrillation, the following symptoms may mean that you are not getting enough digoxin:

  • Rapid pulse (more than 100 beats per minute).
  • Palpitations, or a feeling that your heart is racing.
  • Change in your heart rate.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fainting or blackouts.

If you develop any of these symptoms, call your doctor right away. Your doctor will decide how to adjust medication and/or manage symptoms as needed.

Questions to ask your doctor

  • Is digoxin the right medicine for me?
  • How should I take this medicine?
  • What are possible side effects?
  • What are symptoms I need to watch out for?
  • What should I do if I miss a dose?
  • How long will I need to take digoxin?


National Institutes of Health, MedlinePlus: Digoxin

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