
Pregnancy and Childbirth

Questions about pregnancy and impending parenthood? has facts on pregnancy, fetal health, labor, childbirth and caring for your newborn.

All results in Pregnancy and Childbirth
  • Pregnant woman asleep on her side

    Sleep and Pregnancy

    A good night’s sleep is even more important when you’re pregnant, but hard to come by. Follow these tips for…

  • mother stands in nursery holding sleeping newborn

    Postpartum Health

    After giving birth, your body changes and complications can occur. Learn the complications and warning signs.

  • Two mothers walk their babies in strollers through the park

    Postpartum Depression Action Plan

    A postpartum depression action plan is important if you are at risk of developing postpartum depression after your baby is…

  • close up of pregnant woman reading label on a medicine bottle at the pharmacy

    OTC Medicines and Pregnancy

    Over-the-counter medicines can present potential health problems if you are pregnant. Know the risks and talk to you doctor before…

  • close-up of pregnant woman with her hands on her stomach

    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

    Fetal alcohol syndrome is a group of problems occurring in a baby when the mother drinks alcohol while pregnant.

  • Doctor collecting blood from newborn child in hospital for screening tests

    Newborn Screening Tests

    Newborn screenings are important to find and treat certain health issues that aren’t always visible at birth.

  • Mother with her premature baby

    Premature Birth

    Preterm is defined as babies born alive before the completion of 37 weeks of pregnancy.

  • pregnant woman talks with doctor during a medical visit

    Prenatal Diagnosis: Amniocentesis and CVS

    Doctors may use two methods – amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling – to see if your developing baby has genetic…

  • pregnant woman with back pain

    Back Pain During Pregnancy

    Back pain during pregnancy is common and varies in severity.

  • couple talking to a doctor

    Options After Fertility Treatments

    When infertility treatments fail it can be very upsetting for a couple looking to have a baby. However, there are…

  • teddy bear sitting in an empty nursery

    Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

    Only 1% of women experience multiple miscarriages. They can be caused by health conditions including chromosome defects and uterus…

  • Pregnant woman with two ultrasound scans of twins resting on her belly

    Pregnancy with Multiples

    Pregnancy with multiples means more than one baby in your uterus at once. They carry a higher chance of gestational…

  • doctor speaking to couple sitting at desk

    Evaluating and Treating Infertility

    For couples experiencing infertility, it’s important to evaluate and treat the cause of the problem.

  • A woman puts on compression stockings


    Edema is a swelling or puffiness of part of the body, usually the feet, ankles and legs. It sometimes occurs…

  • doctor checks blood pressure of a pregnant woman

    HELLP Syndrome

    HELLP Syndrome is a rare but serious pregnancy-related illness, similar to preeclampsia, another pregnancy condition.

  • Taking Care of You and Your Baby While You're Pregnant

    Prenatal care means taking care of yourself and your baby before he or she is born, including living a healthy…

  • Fetal Growth Restriction

    Sometimes babies don’t grow at the normal rate before they are born. Taking care of your body and regular visits…

  • A woman experiencing strong contractions that are 5 to 10 minutes apart

    How Do I Know I’m in Labor?

    Going into labor can look different for every woman. But there are some common signs.

  • A sad woman holds a teddy bear in an empty nursery. An early pregnancy loss is a miscarriage that occurs on its own during the first 20 weeks of the pregnancy.

    Early Pregnancy Loss

    An early pregnancy loss is a miscarriage that occurs on its own in the first 20 weeks of the…

  • a young girl with Down syndrome looks up and smiles

    Down Syndrome

    Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that affects physical and intellectual development.
